Thursday, 12 February 2015


Ok. So aside from all the useful or interesting things that we post at SHU Man, we all enjoy a good laugh once in a while. And well... since we've recently just passed the whole 'It's 2015... new year, new me' marker with plenty of people making life changing decisions such as getting tattoos, we thought we'd find some of the most imbecilic, dumb, ill-thought, half-witted, brainless, moronic and plainly mentally challenged tattoos out there for your sick entertainment. Enjoy ;)

1. 'Juge'-ment Day...

I'm afraid not my friend... You will be 'juged' by ourselves at SHU Man and our internet audience.

2. Urine for a lifetime of regret... 

Personally, I've never tasted pee, but I'm still not going to take your word for it.

3. Thenk God he loves his mather...

And thenk you son for etching such words of poetry on your forearm.

4. It is get better.

No really... these are just getting worse.

5. Then I got confused about 'than'...

A grasp of English grammar worse than a mentally deficient 5 year old.

6. It's totally 'impossable' to fail right? ...

The irony is strong with this one.

7. 'That's the motto n***a "yolo"' ...

Think she may have taken the inspirational lyric from Drake a little too seriously.

8. Baby...

Katie Bugg darling, there are three possibilities here: 1) Your dad hates you 2) The tattoo artist is Stevie Wonder 3) You weren't blessed in the beautiful end of the gene pool. 

9. Regret nohing...

(Sigh)... Somehow sunshine, I don't think this will be the case for you.

10. Really?... 

The outcome I'd expect if Miss Monroe had abandoned her acting/singing career for the simple life of a chimney sweeper. 

Hope the misfortune of these ten individuals brought you as much delight as it brought me.

Until next time

Nick S

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