Tuesday 27 January 2015

How to cure that Hallam Nation Hangover….

 Most of us have been there, one to many shots of vodka the night before and we’re paying for it the day after. Waking up in bed wondering if half of what happened last night was even real, asking yourself why you thought it was a good idea to try and pull one of your course mates, and desperately trying to make your way to the bathroom before last night’s cheesy chips makes a reappearance on your bedroom floor. At this very moment you vow to never drink again, but we all know that pigs will fly before that happens, so here’s SHUMans guide to curing that hangover.


As we all know, dehydration is one of the causes of that banging hangover you’ve got, so lets start simple. Get a few glasses of water down you’re neck, and while you’re at it maybe some paracetamol. This won’t cure you alone, but we’re on the way to feeling fresh again.


Sometimes living with somebody who studies biology has its bonuses. Having asked my flat mate what science says about hangovers his response was that they’re partly caused by glucose depletion. So your body has no sugar, get to Tesco, or Aldi, or wherever and get some sports drinks, or full fat coke, none of this diet crap here, you need sugar and you need it fast!


This might be the last thing on your mind whilst sending apology texts to the many people you rang last night proclaiming your deep and undying love for, but hear me out. Hitting the gym, or going for a gentle jog can help get your liver working faster, meaning those toxins that cause a hangover are out of your body faster. Just make sure you don’t dehydrate yourself again so keep a bottle of water close by, and don’t go to hard, other wise you might be praying to the porcelain Gods in Hallam gyms toilets.

Praying to the porcelain Gods


I’m sorry to break it to you but paracetamol before bed doesn’t work. Over the counter painkillers only have a working life of about 4 hours, so you’ll be asleep by the time they take effect, and when you wake up they won’t be effective.

Also eating loads of food after a night out to soak up the alcohol. By the time you’ve got your lips around that kebab, everything you’ve had to drink is in your system. Your best bet is to have a pint of water, and prepare for the morning after.

Thinking of just cracking open anther can, hair of the dog and all that? Think again. If you are come freak of nature and can actually touch, let alone think, about alcohol the morning after, put down the bottle. Continuing to drink is just going delay the hangover, and possibly makes it worse. 


This might sound like something your parents would say, but maybe not having that extra pint when you’re already stumbling about might save you from ringing your ex, chundering all over Plug, passing out in Chicken Stop, and even a hangover from hell. Know your limits!

Keep hangovers in the cinema with this helpful guide

Friday 23 January 2015


As many of you may have experienced living in a city in the UK, it can be difficult and frustrating to find places to buy or eat healthy food. Alas, all is not bad. The team at SHUstyle are bringing you 3 different places you can go to get healthy food for: 

1) Food shopping
2) Takeaway 
3) Restaurant

Wednesday 21 January 2015


Super Bowl XLIX is only 11 days away and I personally can't wait to see who will lift the Vince Lombardi Trophy this year. American Football is becoming increasingly popular here in the UK, so why not have a look at what merchandise is available to the fans looking to support their chosen team in any way possible.